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Prime Day Trading - Industry Q & A

Qa With Prime Day Trading Owner Kyrsti Snyder

How was your franchise/opportunity originally conceived and started? 

Through good math and proven algorithms, our company was born. We always thought there was a way to be in the market when it’s good and when it’s bad, rather than so up and down with stocks and uncertainty. Our company has done that and continues to do that with and through thousands of our traders.

What was your original vision for your company? How has that changed over time? 

Out of the worst economic times in 2008, our trading program was born. The first few years were mainly family and friends through mostly word of mouth; then we stumbled upon something more grand with the need and demand for our work at home opportunity. Now we have thousands of traders using our proprietary software, dipping and excelling into the market, around their own schedules and goals. Since 2012, we’ve had an entire company of coaches, curriculum, and staff backing all of what we are about with the best ease for our traders to experience and enjoy.

What do you believe is the single most important factor when choosing a franchise?

We believe the most important thing while choosing a franchise is to decide on one that you resonate with. Along with resonating, it has to make sense for your financial goals. Some franchises require you to spend 40 hour work weeks, where ours does not. Some franchises require hundreds of thousands of dollars up front with a smaller RIO, where ours does not. Looking at those types of factors will launch you into better success faster because it’s cohesive to your business goals, both financially and personally.

Why should someone choose your franchise over other similar franchises? 

Our franchise requires a one-time tuition enrollment fee, no overhead costs moving forward, paychecks whenever you want them, working around your schedule, at any place. You can be in an office or your home, you could be traveling in another country or in a big city, you can work at 2am or 2pm. There is no limit to how it can work for you. No “boss” or “authority” to report to. Just you doing your thing with trading making the amount of money you desire. Our program gives you a raise up to every single quarter with no question and you’re doing the same thing. Imagine being at a job where you can increase your hourly rate every month by doing the same thing and without having to get the “permission” or “approval” from someone else on what you want to make. 

What makes your industry attractive?

Our industry is attractive mostly due to it being forex, or currency, trading. Meaning it doesn’t matter what news, markets, or stocks are doing; we can still make great money during all of that because it’s through currency, rather than up and down stock markets buying and selling. We can long and short the market, no matter the time of year or where the economy is at. 

What types of qualities do you look for in potential franchisees?

We want those who are dedicated to their financial goals and find the flexibility of creating their own schedule to be enticing.

What do your franchise fees and royalties cover? 

It’s a one time tuition fee to enroll into our one on one coaching program, then you’re set to always trade and run your business the way you see fit.

What is your favorite advice for new franchisees to help them succeed

My main advice would be to put in the time and effort, especially when first starting out. Your success is up to you and you alone. The trade strategies can be taught and executed accordingly, but it’s up to you to actually trade within the market.

What would you tell potential franchisees that may be nervous about the financial burdens of starting a franchise? 

I would say the return on investment is unlike anything you’ll experience, even in any other industry. Take the step and take control of your financial future. Anything you do will be scary at first. Might as well make the decision to change, or you’ll find yourself in the same spot next year as you are today.

Can you explain your financial assistance (if applicable)?

If you do not have the $20,000 funding for this opportunity, we do offer help in setting up a payment plan or leveraging money through another way of finances. 

On average, how long does it take to start a new franchise from the franchisees point of view?

It can be as long or as short as a person wants it to be, depending the amount of time and energy they put into it. For us with trading, I would say an average is about 2-3 months.

What was your background and experience before founding this franchise?

My background and experience before starting into this franchise was in marketing and sales. Being in trading came naturally to me because I was already being my own boss and working to be paid how I want rather than having a “boss” determine my paycheck.

Do you have any franchisee testimonials or success stories that you would like to share?

Trading has opened up the opportunity to have a career from home!I get to work as much or as little as I want. For the first time, I am my own boss! - Madsen S.

When I started trading I wasn't sure how easy or difficult it would be. I had big aspirations and decided to start in the Platinum program. The education was incredible and the ongoing support has always been there. I still work my 9-5 but I have a lot of comfort now that I wouldn't have. Trading has changed our families future! - Scott

These indicators are powerful and once you learn how to read them and put them together, it gives you a huge advantage when trading! I have been in the program for only a few months , but I love it and enjoy trading and learning more everyday! Day Trade Nation has helped me see my potential and how this could change the way I think about money. This program is exciting and the potential is there for anyone who is willing to put forth a little effort to learn a new skill! - Lindsey M.

What is the biggest concern about your industry that a franchisee candidate should be aware of and investigate? 

Trading is emotional and needs to be managed. We can teach anyone our proven strategies but for them to truly succeed, they need to manage their emotions and not get into the market based on fear, greed, excitement, anxiety, or revenge; but rather based on fact for what we teach.

Why do you think your company stands out in the industry?

Our company stands out in the industry because of our one on one coaching, education before, during, and after coaching, and our ability to fund up to $100,000 with up to 80% in the person’s pocket.

Describe the ideal candidate.  Do you think your requirements are any different than your competitor’s?

We aren’t going to “sell” you on joining this trading industry. We want it be a genuinely good fit in within all of your goals. If you qualify into our program, are teachable, and reliable, then we’ll welcome you with open arms and let you gain tremendous reward.

How much experience in this industry should a franchisee candidate have should they consider buying a franchise in your industry?

Our traders and candidates do not have to have a certain degree or level of experience. All of it can be taught. We want people who are consistent and will put forth effort to reach their business goals without the overhead or boss type of environment. 


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