Join the growing garage makeover industry with GarageExperts®. GarageExperts® offers a proven franchise opportunity for entrepreneurs who are passionate about delivering quality, value and exceptional service. With our…
Backed by a global brand, Poolwerx partners can tap into the $7 billion swimming pool industry with multiple revenue streams including chemical, equipment, and retail sales plus year-round revenue from residential and…
Buying a home has been a part of the American dream for decades. You can play a part in helping people achieve that dream when you opt to open your own real estate franchise. For entrepreneurs who enjoy not only interacting with the public, but also the thrill of putting people in the home of their dreams, owning a real estate franchise can be a great business opportunity. A real estate franchise gives you the freedom to be your own boss with the support of a proven franchise system to back you.
Did You Know?
There were an estimated 62,701 real estate franchise establishments in 2017.
By 2026, the U.S. real estate, rental and leasing industry is projected to have 347,242 companies.
SOURCE: SOURCE: Daniel Research Group
In 2016, 98% of American buyers looked for agents who were honest and had integrity.
SOURCE: SOURCE: National Association of Realtors
In 2016, 61% of respondents found real estate agents helpful in understanding the purchase process.
SOURCE: SOURCE: National Association of Realtors
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