Homeowners may not like it, but pests are a fact of life, one that a savvy entrepreneur can capitalize on when they consider a pest control franchise. Helping people rid their living spaces of pests is a great feeling, and when you opt to join a franchise system you will be establishing your business with proven services and technology. Additionally, a pest control franchise gives you a marketing system to guide you and grow your business, creating a recession-proof source of income.
Did You Know?
By 2020, revenues of pest control services in the U.S. are projected to reach about $13.078 billion.
SOURCE: SOURCE: Statista; US Census Bureau
As of spring 2017, 6.32 million Americans planned to use a pest control service in the next year.
SOURCE: SOURCE: Nielsen Scarborough
The pest control services industry is expected to grow by 4.5% in 2019.
Revenue of pest control services in the U.S. was more than $12.57 billion in 2017.
SOURCE: SOURCE: Statista; US Census Bureau
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