Moving is a fact of life, and it is also an area where most Americans would like a little help. You can offer that assistance, while satisfying your desire to own your own business with a moving services franchise. Demand for movers is steady and profitable if you do your research on your market. A moving services franchise is your opportunity to build a great business that will provide the secure future you have dreamed of for yourself and your family.
Did You Know?
Revenue for the moving industry in the U.S. was $18 billion in 2017.
The annual percentage of Americans who move is 11.2%.
SOURCE: SOURCE: American Moving & Storage Association
The total economic impact of the moving industry is $85.7 billion a year.
SOURCE: SOURCE: American Moving & Storage Association
The moving industry creates more than 186,000 jobs in the U.S.
SOURCE: SOURCE: American Moving & Storage Association
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