Backed by a global brand, Poolwerx partners can tap into the $7 billion swimming pool industry with multiple revenue streams including chemical, equipment, and retail sales plus year-round revenue from residential and…
Join the growing garage makeover industry with GarageExperts®. GarageExperts® offers a proven franchise opportunity for entrepreneurs who are passionate about delivering quality, value and exceptional service. With our…
Commercial and retail establishments have long relied on concrete as a flooring option due to its durability, easy upkeep and the cost savings it offers. And today decorative concrete options have opened up the category, making concrete flooring more and more attractive to consumers for use in their homes. There's also the hardwood flooring and carpet businesses that remain a solid investment for a smart entrepreneur.
Did You Know?
The global market for concrete flooring will increase from $745.8 million in 2013 to $1.2 billion by
SOURCE: SOURCE: Transparency Market Research
The annual growth rate of flooring is expected to be 6.8% in 2017.
SOURCE: SOURCE: Transparency Market Research
Almost 74% of people polled said they liked the way that concrete floors look.
SOURCE: SOURCE: Concrete Network
Only 7% of people surveyed think concrete flooring is a DIY project.
SOURCE: SOURCE: Concrete Network
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