BrightStar Care has proven to be recession resistant by providing skilled and non-skilled in-home health care and medical staffing. Our franchisees improve the health and quality of life for their clients while easing the…
Are you a healthcare provider, recent graduate, or clinic owner ready to grow your business? Health Atlast’s proven systems transform clinics into efficient, systems-based practices. Shift from working in your clinic to…
Medical services are a necessary part of life, and a franchise that focuses on the many opportunities in this area is an ideal way for an entrepreneur to create a thriving business that they can feel good about. If you have an interest in helping those in your community live healthier lives or if you have a background in a medical field, then this is a great franchise opportunity for you to explore.
Did You Know?
113+ million people in the U.S. received medical service at a non-hospital facility in spring 2017.
The gross output of home health care in 2016 was $91.181 million.
Almost 1/5 of Americans spent $5,000-$9,999 on caring for seniors in 2017.
In 2015, $88.8 billion was spent on home health care expenditures.
SOURCE: SOURCE: US Department of Health and Human Services; CMS
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