At the heart of every Beef ® franchise is a commitment to the community, a commitment that sets our franchise apart from other models. From local little leagues to adult recreational leagues, Beef 'O'…
Wings are big business in America. This popular appetizer and snack has taken the franchise world by storm, offering a variety of flavors to entice consumers, as well as the option of bone-in or boneless wings. What’s more, wings have moved beyond an appetizer and have turned into a main entrée item for many consumers, as well as a popular menu item for events and get-togethers. If you are intrigued by the potential offered in this type of restaurant franchise, then a wings franchise could be a great fit for your entrepreneurial skills.
Did You Know?
As of February 2018, there were more than 3,100 chicken wing restaurants in the U.S.
A projected 1.35 billion wings were eaten in 2018 during Super Bowl weekend, up 1.5% from 2017.
SOURCE: SOURCE: National Chicken Council
64% of chicken wings served in restaurants in 2017 were bone-in.
At $881 million, chicken wings were the 3rd highest grossing cut in the fresh meat chicken category
SOURCE: SOURCE: Nielsen FreshFacts
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