Our mission statement at Clean Juice is to be ‘healthy in body and strong in spirit’. We are so excited to work together to bring the community you serve a product and environment that fulfills this!
Healthier living and eating right is on the minds of many Americans. Whether it is to lose weight or simply enjoy a healthier life, providing the knowledge and guidance to people on how to eat better is the main goal of a nutrition franchise. If you are interested in running your own business, particularly one that helps people be their best selves, then this is a great franchise opportunity for you to explore.
Did You Know?
14% of Americans stated that they regularly use an app to track their diet and nutrition.
In 2020, the sales of supplement drinks in the U.S. is estimated to be $2.55 billion.
In 2017, 3.1% of U.S. households earning $125,000 or more spent $500-999 on nutrition programs.
Nutrition funding by the NIH will be $1.307 billion in 2018.
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