The Physical Therapy Industry And Apexnetwork Physical Therapy
We recently sat down with Jason Baxter of ApexNetwork Physical Therapy, to talk about the physical therapy industry and his company’s franchise model.
Provide an overview & description of your industry.
Physical Therapy is a field of medicine that promotes health and wellness across the life span. There over 10,000 adults turning 50 years old each day who desire to remain active as they age. More adolescent and adults want to be able to return to normal activities more quickly following an injury or surgery; physical Therapy can help meet these needs.
How has your industry changed in the last 10-20 years?
Over the past 20 years, healthcare has changed. With insurance changes, advancements in medicine, and the general population wanted to be active longer, physical therapy is a more desirable career and industry to be in.
What trends do you see in your industry over the next 5-10 years?
Due to the changing landscape of keeping up with insurance reimbursement, smaller clinics not associated with a larger support system will find that they will be bought out or will go out of business. As we age, there is a greater desire to stay active longer resulting in more elective medical procedures that will require more physical therapy.
Describe the ideal candidate.
We look for individuals who are self motivated, desire to learn and follow the franchise system, who can teach others, and who can market and develop relationships with key players to grow their business.
What’s the strongest skill you require in a candidate?
The ability to learn, understands, and executes the franchise processes.
Describe the working
Besides having the physical therapy clinic, the franchisee may have a home
office and perform mobile functions to develop and promote the business.
Why has ApexNetwork been successful?
We have focused on the details of the business - from the physical facilities, to the quality of the staff and treatment outcomes, to customer service.