There comes a point in life where there is no tomorrow, only yesterdays. A time where we remember the past knowing our future is limited. It can be a time of deep reflection, and that is the case with my friend, Bill Shearon. I met Bill about 15 years ago during my work with the ... 12 Lessons While Nearing the End of the Road...Read More
The Hot Business VS The Right Business? So what is the new hot franchise? This is a question I’m often asked by people in the early stages of their research process. I guess the reason it’s asked so frequently is human nature. When we see a popular trend, it triggers an emotional response… and we … In Business it’s Not What’s Hot, it’s What’s Right
Understanding Item 19, Part 2: The 4 Types of Item 19’s In our previous review of Item 19, we provided a general guide to items found within a company’s Item 19 Financial Performance Representation (formerly known as an Earnings Claim; also known as Article 19). In part 2, we review how these Financial Performance Representations … Can I Trust a Franchisor’s Financial Performance Representations (Item 19 of the FDD, Part 2)
Cinnabon has long been thought of as the snack for travelers running through airports and shoppers strolling through malls. What started as a single bakery in Seattle’s Sea Tac Mall in 1985 has grown into a company with 1,200 brick-and-mortar locations in 54 countries. But the chain’s biggest consumer business today is licensing and co-branding … Cinnabon’s Recipe For Expansion: Licensing and Co-Branding
There certainly is a lot of buildup to the Olympics each time they roll around, but it certainly is worth it the Olympics never disappoint. There is still a purity to the games that is lost in many of the professional sports. If you’re like me, you might find yourself thinking what could have been. … Olympic Dreams
I recently saw a study that said 79% of Americans were either unhappy or apathetic about their current career. That is simply a shocking and sad figure. To think we spend 40+ hours a week doing something we don’t really like or possibly truly dislike. Consider the next time you go out to lunch with … Adult Christmas – Don’t forget yourself!
Meet Rocco Fiorentino Recently, Benetrends’ President and CEO Rocco Fiorentino was featured on a panel of experts for "Empowering Entrepreneurs" put out by Media Planet. Fiorentino joined the Benetrends board of directors in 2009, with more than 25 years of franchising experience. Shortly after, in late 2012, he was appointed CEO. For those unaware, Benetrends … What Are 3 Important Qualities of a Successful Entrepreneur?
Awesome news coming out of Apple yesterday regarding pricing for desktop operating systems: Amid a slew of incremental improvements to its iPad tablets and MacBook laptops, Apple today announced some landmark news about its oldest surviving operating system: It will not charge for the latest big upgrade, Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks… What’s the driver … Apple’s Operating System… For FREE!?
At the ripe old age of 30, most of people begin to feel the little aches and pains associated with aging which are often caused by the gradual effects of muscle and bone atrophy. A steady decline in physic, balance, bone strength, and muscle mass continues on year after year as people age. Gym enthusiasts, … Increase Your Bone Density and Physical Strength with OsteoStrong
The debate rages on. Imagine two employee scenarios. In the first, a guy gets up at 6:30. Showered and shaved, he gets all up in his professional outfit and faces rush hour. Forty-five minutes later, our man pulls into a spot and rushes to get to his desk. Scenario number two: Joe Q. Public isn’t … Work at Work, Says HP’s Meg Whitman
That whole 18 to 65 thing? Forget about it. It’s pretty clear, just anecdotally, that the culture of work has changed dramatically in the past generation. A report out of Georgetown University confirms what we are seeing in the workplace and the larger culture in general. The lifespan of the average career has shifted. It … The New Lost (Money) Generation
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