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12 Lessons While Nearing the End of the Road

There comes a point in life where there is no tomorrow, only yesterdays.  A time where we remember the past knowing our future is limited.  It can be a time of deep reflection, and that is the case with my friend, Bill Shearon. I met Bill about 15 years ago during my work with the ... 12 Lessons While Nearing the End of the Road...Read More

By Rick Bisio | Posted August 11, 2020

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growing business

6 Characteristics of a Franchise with Growth Potential

Many first-time entrepreneurs invest in franchises because they entail lower risks, are more affordable, and are easier to operate than starting a brand new company. When choosing a franchise, you need to analyze the franchise growth potential to ensure that you’re investing in a business that will create worthwhile returns.  1. Industry Growth Researching the 6 Characteristics of a Franchise with Growth Potential

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By Stephan Baldwin | Posted May 21, 2015

franchise growth

Are Low-Cost Franchises Really a Good Deal?

Low-cost franchises provide a practical option for entrepreneurs that are interested in launching a successful business venture with ease. They pose a significantly lower risk than larger franchises due to requiring a lower initial investment and fewer operational duties. Smaller franchises are also more accessible to new entrepreneurs and are easier to acquire and manage Are Low-Cost Franchises Really a Good Deal?

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By Stephan Baldwin | Posted May 21, 2015

Mid-Life Hurdles: Taking Control of Your Career

Middle-Aged, Former Execs-Turned-Franchisees Fast Becoming a Trend An interesting development in the business world has been the trend of middle-aged, middle-management executives making mid-career corrections and investing in a franchise business. Some make these investments out of necessity (having been downsized); others invest proactively (as a hedge against being downsized). The common denominator is that Mid-Life Hurdles: Taking Control of Your Career

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By Rick Bisio | Posted January 29, 2015

You should be an entrepreneur

12 Reasons You Probably Should be an Entrepreneur

In a recent online article authored by Scott Dinsmore titled: Full Disclosure: 12 Reasons You Probably Shouldn’t Be An Entrepreneur (The story no one tells), Mr. Dinsmore, an accomplished entrepreneur, eloquently catalogs the pitfalls often associated with building a small business.  As I read the article, I found myself wondering: ‘Is being a business owner 12 Reasons You Probably Should be an Entrepreneur

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By Rick Bisio | Posted September 10, 2014


NLRB: McDonald’ Should be Held Liable for Unfair Labor Practices of Franchisees

The National Labor Relations Board released a major decision on July 29th, one that could have far reaching ramifications throughout the franchising world. Specifically, the NLRB has decided that the corporation of McDonald’s should be considered a joint employer with its franchisees, and held liable for certain unfair labor practices within its franchised locations. Such NLRB: McDonald’ Should be Held Liable for Unfair Labor Practices of Franchisees

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By Eric Bell | Posted July 31, 2014

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