There comes a point in life where there is no tomorrow, only yesterdays. A time where we remember the past knowing our future is limited. It can be a time of deep reflection, and that is the case with my friend, Bill Shearon. I met Bill about 15 years ago during my work with the ... 12 Lessons While Nearing the End of the Road...Read More
Supporters cry fairness and a living wage, while critics predict economic disaster, which they claim is already beginning. In April, Seattle took the first step to raising its minimum wage to $15 per hour, and other cities like New York and San Francisco may be following close behind if pending initiatives are any indication. Currently, … Will a $15 Minimum Wage Be the Death of Fast Food Outlets?
When I was growing up, entrepreneurship was the norm in our household. Dad always ran his own business. Mom worked in the business a few days a week. My sister and I helped on the weekends. Like most family businesses, my father enjoyed some exceptional years and a few lean years. He was smart and … When it Comes to Business, Teach Your Children Well
America is the land of opportunity – and those opportunities have many forms. One way people build up and achieve their dreams is through investing in a franchise. Money, of course, is the top motivator for this type of investment, but taking on the challenge can be attractive as well. The largest franchises in the … 5 Lessons From Successful Franchisees
There are three recognised stages to franchising – starting out, growing the business and planning for retirement. A franchisor has three sets of franchisees at any given time: those enthusiastic newbies who want to get going, the established locations looking to improve and the old-timers wanting to hang up their hat. These different kinds of … Motivation and the Three Stages of Franchisees
You’ve probably heard this a thousand times: “Go to school, get an education, find a job, show up on time, put in your 40 hours each week, and you’ll secure a good retirement for yourself”. We were led to believe a myth – to expect 3%-5% annual wage increases, some form of job security from … Today’s Job Market: The Modern Day Slave Trade
Buying multiple franchises can be a good business decision to make for several reasons. Managing multiple franchises is a challenge that requires many different skills, but can yield great rewards if the challenge is met well. There are many factors to consider when deciding whether multiple franchises could be right for you. The most important … Buying Multiple Franchises: A Path to Success
Up until now, you’ve done the career thing – punched a time clock for the 40 hour work-week (maybe more), sat at a cubicle, gossiped at the water cooler, been at the beck and call of a boss. Maybe you’re just burnt out at your current job and want to do something different. Maybe what … Best Franchises For Career Changers
Franchising is a great way to be your own boss without being out in the world as a business owner all alone. As part of a parent company with an established record of success, you have the autonomy of being in charge of your location within the framework of a system that has shown itself … Avoid These Pitfalls When Buying A Franchise
A long-term career will raise many questions along the way. This is attributable to having dedicated yourself through the years to hard work in order to become highly competent in your field. Sadly, the reward of having done so didn’t quite match up with prior expectations. Recognition and reward are lacking, and you believe the … 5 Green Flags That You’re Ready to Invest in a Franchise
Having excellent credit means your franchise’s financial future will be easier, and you’ll have more options when it comes to shopping around for lenders. Shopping for a business loan? Excellent credit means you can snag a loan with a competitive rate that will save you thousands over the span of your loan. Even opening a … Credit Mistakes That Will Jeopardize Your Chances of Getting a Business Loan
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